Edward Mikhaylovich Kazin

First name: Edward

Middle name: Mikhaylovich

Last name: Kazin

Scientific degree: Doctor of Biology

Post\ rank: Professor at the Department of Human Physiology and Life Safety

Establishment /organization: Federal state budget educational institution ofHigher professional education “Kemerovo State University”

Address: 650043, Kemerovo, 6 Krasnaya St.


Stalinskiy State University (at the present time – Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy), 1961


Research Interests 


Physiological and socio-pedagogical problems of adaptation and health





Scopus Author ID




 1. Physical development of a personality in educational process in school: text edition for the course “General and developmental pedagogy” / E.M. Kazin, G.G. Solodova, N.G. Blinova [et al.]; executive editor G.G. Solodova, E.M. Kazin, S.I. Petukhov. – Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2005. – 279 p.

2. Adaptation and health. Theoretical and applied aspects: collective monograph / E.M. Kazin, S.B. Lurie, V.G. Selyatitskaya et al.; executive editor E.M. Kazin. – 2nd edition, with amendments and additions. – Kemerovo: Publishing house: Kuzbass Regional Institution of Advanced Training & Retraining of educators, 2008. – 299 p.

3. Kazin, E.M. Education and health: medicobiologic and psycho-pedagogical aspects: monograph / E.M. Kazin. - Kemerovo: Publishing house: Kuzbass Regional Institution of Advanced Training & Retraining of educators, 2010. – 214 p.

4. Ontogenesis. Adaptation. Health. Education: training-methodical complex. Book I. Health saving aspects of pre-school and elementary general educationstudy guide /editorial board: E.M. Kazin, O.G. Krasnoshlykova, E.V. Belonogova, et al.; executive editor E.M. Kazin. – Kemerovo: Publishing house: Kuzbass Regional Institution of Advanced Training & Retraining of educators, 2011. – 500 p.


5. Ontogenesis. Adaptation. Health. Education: training-methodical complex. Book II. Psycho-physiological and social pedagogical approaches to formation of health saving environment in general and high school: study guide / editorial board: N.E. Kasatkina, O.G. Krasnoshlykova, A.I. Fedorov et al.; executive editor E.M. Kazin. – Kemerovo: Publishing house: Kuzbass Regional Institution of Advanced Training & Retraining of educators, 2011. – 695 p.


6. Ontogenesis. Adaptation. Health. Education: training-methodical complex. Book III. Adaptation and health of students: study guide /editorial boardE.L. Rudneva, E.M. KazinN.E. Kasatkina et al.;executive editor E.M. Kazin. – Kemerovo: Publishing house: Kuzbass Regional Institution of Advanced Training & Retraining of educators, 2011. – 627 p.


7. Health saving activities in education system: theory and practice: text edition E.M. Kazin,N.E. Kasatkina, E.L. Rudneva et al. – 3d edition, revised. – M: Publishing house: “Omega-L”, 2013. – 443 p.


8. The system of continuous physical education as a precondition for adaptation, development of personality, formation of healthy lifestyletext edition / E.M. Kazin, N.E. Kasatkina, O.G. Krasnoshlykova et al.; executive editor: E.M. Kazin, N.V. Kovalenko. – M: Publishing house: “Omega-L”2013. – 435 p.


9. Psychophysiological mechanisms of self-regulation and disadaptation of the personality / E.M. Kazin, A.I. Fedorov, O.G. Krasnoshlykova [et al.// Materials of the IX International scientific-practical conference “Perspective of science and technology development – 2013" (Przemysl, November 07-15, 2013), Volume 26. Psychology and sociology. Music and life. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia – P. 9-15.

10. Socio-pedagogical aspects of keeping and improving of students health / E.M. Kazin, N.E. Kasatkina, R.I. Aizman [et al.] // Materials of the 9th international scientific-practical “Achievement of high school” (Sofia, November 17-25, 2013) 26. Pedagogical science. Physical culture and sports. Sofia: "Byal GRAD-BG" LTD. – P. 28-33.


11. Peculiarities of the functional status of teenagers engaged in different kinds of sport / E.M. Kazin, O.L. Tarasova, V.V. Kirichenko [et al.] // Uralsk Scientific Bulletin. – 2013. – N 23 (71). – P. 116-121.


12. Health saving infrastructure in the education system: text edition /E.M. Kazin, N.P. Abaskalova, R.I. Aizman et al., executive editor E.M. Kazin, N.E. Kasatkina – M:Publishing house: “Omega-L”, 2014. – 575 p.


13. Features of the organization of teaching the basics of safe and healthy lifestyle with consideration for the type of pupil initial vegetative tonus / E.M. Kazin, A.S. Shinkarenko, N.N. Koshko [et al.] // Bulletin of the KemSU. The 2014. – Volume 1, N 2(58). – P. 14-21.




City: Kemerovo

Country: Russian Federation

Phone: 8-903-909-10-38

E-mail: valeol@kemsu.ru