Science for Education Today, 2023, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 179–194

Establishing scientific educational space within the university: Factors contributing to successful Eurasian integration [in English]

Gonashvili A. S. 1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Lanina E. E. 1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Spirina M. Y. 1 (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
1 University associated with IA EAEC

Introduction. The problem of the article is to focus on a range of aspects in the field of integration of science and higher education, which play an important role in the process of establishing the Eurasian scientific and educational space. The purpose of the article is to identify factors contributing to successful Eurasian integration in the process of establishing scientific educational space within the university.
Materials and Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is made up of general scientific (philosophical) methods and a systematic approach. The subject of the study required the use of a combination of different approaches, primarily systemic, which allowed to conduct the correct analysis of applying historically established and modern educational technologies and practices in Eurasian education, as well as to describe some aspects of the effective integration of science and education in the Eurasian space.
The object of the study is the experience of the University associated with IA EAEC on developing a system of scientific, organizational, research, publishing and educational activities in the Eurasian space. The authors used the following research methods: comparative, historical, interdisciplinary, content analysis method, etc.
Results. The article considers the experience of using methods of ethno pedagogy in preparing innovative staff for the Eurasian space as a means of developing scientific and educational cooperation, expanding Eurasian integration, and giving it a humanitarian dimension.
The authors substantiate the idea that strengthening and expanding the capabilities and needs of a unified Eurasian scientific and educational space should be considered as conditions for achieving effective cooperation in the field of science and education, allowing to restore professional communication of researchers from different Eurasian countries, update the content of higher education and contribute to bringing new scientific knowledge to the scientific community.
The authors emphasize that a significant contribution to the development of the Eurasian integration process is made by the University associated with IA EAEC, which initiated a number of international projects contributing to the inclusion of new scientific knowledge and methods in the educational process within the framework of Eurasian economic integration.
Conclusions. The article concludes about the values of higher education and about a need for integrating science and education as a basis for further development of Eurasian integration process. The authors draw the conclusion that today integration must be based on the historical experience of cooperation between Eurasian states in the field of science and education. Such interaction is considered to be the basis for further successful integration.


Eurasian integration; Common scientific and educational space; Scientific and educational cooperation; Ethnopedagogy; Education; Internationalization of education

For citation:
Gonashvili A. S., Lanina E. E., Spirina M. Y. Establishing scientific educational space within the university: Factors contributing to successful Eurasian integration [in English]. Science for Education Today, 2023, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 179–194. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.10.2023