Science for Education Today, 2023, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 7–24

The investigation of psychological-pedagogical conditions for the solution of socio-cultural socialization tasks of gifted adolescents [in English]

Shcherbinina O. S. 1 (Kostroma, Russian Federation), Grushetskaya I. N. 1 (Kostroma, Russian Federation), Zakharova Z. A. 1 (Kostroma, Russian Federation)
1 Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Kostroma State University’

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of successful socialization of gifted adolescents. The purpose of the article is to define and clarify a set of psychological-pedagogical conditions, leading to successful solving socio-cultural socialization tasks by gifted adolescents.
Materials and Methods. The study follows the existential approach and its ideas as a methodological basis of the research. I order to obtain empirical data the authors applied M. Rokich’s “Value orientations” inventory and “The study of a child’s initiative in their curricular and extra-curricular activities” questionnaire by V. S. Yurkevich. The sample consisted of participants from educational center “Sirius”, Sochi, (n=42) and the participants of state educational institution “The Academy of Talents”, Saint-Petersburg, (n=42).
Results. The article presents a theoretical review and results of analyzing peculiarities and difficulties in solving socio-cultural tasks of socialization by gifted adolescents. The data obtained enabled the authors to identify psychological-pedagogical conditions for successful solution of this set of tasks.
The research reveals the difference in the way the gifted children's parents and educators perceive adolescents’ terminal values and the way the adolescents see them, which justifies the necessity and importance of interventions, aimed at increasing educators and parents’ psychological-pedagogical competence in the field of giftedness, peculiarities of gifted children's development and recommendations how to cooperate with gifted adolescents. The research results demonstrated specific features in gifted adolescent’s self-acceptance and self-attitude: critical perception of personal results; responsible attitude to learning (even to the least favourite subjects); preference to problematic, extraordinary tasks; avoidance of the “organizer” role by most adolescents; keenness on reading and creativity.
Conclusions. Relying on the data obtained and teaching experience, the authors formulated psychological-pedagogical conditions which provide increased effectiveness in solving socio-cultural tasks by gifted adolescents.


Gifted child; Gifted teenagers; Socialization problems; Social-cultural tasks; Values; School activity; Extra-curricular activity.

For citation:
Shcherbinina O. S., Grushetskaya I. N., Zakharova Z. A. The investigation of psychological-pedagogical conditions for the solution of socio-cultural socialization tasks of gifted adolescents [in English]. Science for Education Today, 2023, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 7–24. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.04.2023