Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2014, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 222–231
616.152.21: 616.12-08

Activity of the reactive oxygen species scavenger enzymes in the heart tissues after pharmacological correction of hypoxia of various intensity and duration

Mamadalyeva N. I. 1 (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), Saatov T. S. 2 (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), Khaybullina Z. R. 3 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan), Umerov O. I. 4 (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan)
1 Institute of bioorganic chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan
2 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan.
3 Republican specialized centre of surgery named after academician V.Vakhidov
4 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan

The article is devoted to the problems of water and fat-soluble antioxidants action on the reactive oxygen species scavenger enzymes activity in the heart tissues at chronic periodic hypoxia. Experimental study was performed on male rats. Hypobaric hypoxia model reproduced by immersing the animals in the chamber where was created sub-atmospheric pressure, respectively, rise to a altitude of 4000m, 5000m , 6000m , 7000m above sea level. The duration of exposure to hypoxia was 10, 20, 30 sessions. Animals were treated with alpha-lipoic acid (a-LA) and liposomal substance, containing composition of phospholipids and alpha -tocopherol (LP). LP was obtained by scoring on ultrasonic disperser «UZDN-1M»at a frequency of 22 kHz. It has been established that the sensitivity of SOD and catalase in heart tissues to antioxidants depends on its initial enzymatic activity, as determined by the intensity and duration of hypoxia. Catalase activity in heart tissues was significantly increased at low and averageintensity (4000m and 5000m ) of hypoxia, but significantly reduced relative to the control during strong and moderately strong intensity ( 6000 and 7000m) of hypoxia in all periods of observation. a-LA and LP have no effect on normal and increased SOD activity, but lead to the activation of the enzyme at its oppression. a-LA increased catalase activity returned to normal, whereas the LP has no effect at low and average intensity of hypoxia. Sensitivity of SOD and catalase to the a-LA and LP is manifested during moderately strong intensity of hypoxia, with the predominant effect of the fat-soluble antioxidant in combination with phospholipids liposome.


heart tissues, liposomes, an alpha – lipoic acid, hypobaric hypoxia, superoxiddismutase, catalase

For citation:
Mamadalyeva N. I., Saatov T. S., Khaybullina Z. R., Umerov O. I. Activity of the reactive oxygen species scavenger enzymes in the heart tissues after pharmacological correction of hypoxia of various intensity and duration . Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2014, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 222–231. DOI:

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Date of the publication 14.02.2014