Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2013, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 19–29

New approaches to a project activity of pupils in conditions of modernization of General education

Karatchev A. A. 1 (Mosсow, Russian Federation)

The article contains proposals on improving pupils project activities by technology in the context of implementation of the Federal state educational standard of the main General education. The purpose of article is identify and analyze the new requirements for the organization of project activities pupils contained in the Federal state educational standard. It is shown that under the new regulations, considerable attention is paid to schoolchildren development of design methods. However, the current practice of the projects does not allow schoolchildren to effectively implement new learning tasks. The author considers transition to implementation of projects on separate stages of the standard cycle of development of technical production as one of the measures, allowing to realize the purposes of the project activities. This transition will involve the management of technology projects schoolchildren not only technology teachers, but also teachers of computer science, physics, and experts from universities and industry. Proposed projects on the technology can be made not only in the workshops wood and metal, but also in computer science and physics classrooms.


technological education in schools, the project activity, the stage of designing technical objects, types of educational projects

For citation:
Karatchev A. A. New approaches to a project activity of pupils in conditions of modernization of General education. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2013, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 19–29.

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Date of the publication 16.12.2013