Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2016, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 115–123
81.374 + 81.374.82

Problems of translating poetry from Russian into Italian

Calusio M. 1 (Milan, Italian Republic)
1 University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy

The present article deals with some of the problems of translating poetry from Russian into Italian. On the basis of the first six verses of the Hymn in Honour of the Plague, from Pushkin's A Feast in Time of Plague, the author shows how Italian translators render rhythm and metre when translating Russian classical authors. In 60 years (1936–1996) The Hymn in Honour of the Plague was translated six times, respectively by R. Küfferle, R. Poggioli, T. Landolfi, E. Lo Gatto, S. Vitale, and S. De Vidovich. Lo Gatto is the only translator who uses a rhymed hendecasyllable. All other translators (with the exception of De Vidovich, whose translation is prosaic) use 9-syllable verse with or without rhyme. Küfferle, Poggioli and Lo Gatto somehow sacrifice not only the syntax, but also the lexicon and the images (and, as a consequence, the rhythm) of the original in order to keep the rhyme. This is the reason why today their translations have become irremediably obsolete.


Poetry translation, rhyme, A. S. Pushkin, R. Poggioli, T. Landolfi, E. Lo Gatto, S. Vitale

Problems of translating poetry from Russian into Italian

For citation:
Calusio M. Problems of translating poetry from Russian into Italian. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2016, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 115–123. DOI:
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Date of the publication 10.04.2016